Antifa/Isis, A Partnership

I couldn’t help but notice that Antifa and ISIS share some of the same rhetoric, values, methods, and ends justify the means outlook.  They have the same penchant for urban renewal believing that removing statues, buildings, and markers that offend them will help them to control the narrative.  Antifa-and-Isis-same-same-but-different

The battle between Antifa and the KKK or whatever right wing group they want to villainize is grand political theater. First of all the only fascists in the house that I can see is Antifa. There is very little the separates the fascists from the communists from the anarchists. Some of the similarities are because each faction uses the same tactics and rhetoric. Just as you can’t trust a liberal to tell you what he believes, Antifa will not reveal the goal of their counter demonstrations. There are two unstated goals (1) to demonstrate that the government is corrupt and cannot be trusted and (2) to cause a government over reaction that will interfere with everyday life, which will lead to more citizen dissatisfaction and aid in recruiting. Is-Antifa-American-isis.html

Does that sound familiar? That’s out of our old buddy Carlos If you are at all interested in the antics of Antifa and all the fellow travelers, hit the link. “The Mini-Manual for The Urban Guerilla” is the bible for everything left wing with pretensions to violence.

Antifa is doing their best to bludgeon Americans over their slave owning past. This is more theater intended for western consumption. How do you fix something that can’t be fixed? Reparations? The US did that and called it the Great Society. But at the same time, Antifa maintains links with ISIS who are modern day slave owners and traders. Isis-uncovered/isis-terror-Yazidi-woman-recalls-horrors-slave-auction. ISIS-s-Slavery-Dummies-Jihadists-compile-chilling-checklist-treat-thousands-kidnapped-sex-slaves.html

How to explain the partnership between religious fanatics on the one hand and militant atheists on the other hand? In the world of Antifa, there is nothing more worthless or stupid than a person of faith. Their experience shows that given a choice the Catholic church will roll over and ignore church doctrine, just to be allowed in the tent. Powerful Protestant denominations just as anxious to be accepted have thrown aside long-standing beliefs and traditions just to be allowed to associate with Antifa. Minor sects like Unitarian have given up beliefs in anything just so that they can play with Antifa. With that history is it any surprise that Antifa would buddy up with ISIS secure in the mistaken belief that they can usurp ISIS anytime the mood strikes?

The master plan for Antifa may be the scariest thing about their goals. There is zero chance for success; nothing will be built from the efforts, just torn down.