Kamal Toe Has Entered the Jetway

President Poopy Pants has COVID. But it’s okay, it’s a mild case. Now we hear that he is experiencing additional symptoms. Stop me if you’ve heard this one…


A traveling salesman spent much of his time on the road. He called home each night to catch up on family doings. He asked his wife, “what’s new?”

She replied, “the cat ran out in the street and got killed.”

The salesman was shocked both by the news and the way it was imparted. He exclaimed, “that’s terrible! Honey, you need to ease into these things. You could have said something like, the dog chased the cat. The cat ran up on the roof. The fire department came. They didn’t everything that they could, but it wasn’t enough. Isn’t that better than just dropping things out of the blue?”

The wife responded, “Well, I guess.”

“What else is happening?” the husband asked.

This time the wife was prepared, “Your mother is on the roof …”

I can see it now. “Weekend at Bernie’s III, The White House Years.”