Just Think, Bill has to Face that Each Morning …

Don’t care what put the look of misery on her face, just glad to see it. Never get tired of looking at it.

Do you see Hillary’s bare face as a grim admission that she’s been striving too hard on the trail, or do you see her choice to forsake hairspray as a cathartic fuck-you to the whole damn operation of being a woman in the public eye? Are her puffy under-eyes an exhibition of grief or, as one callous article suggested, a ploy to stoke our sympathies? Did she send her hair-and-makeup team home or just decide (like a few other celebrities) that she was done living a lie? Maybe she was worried about crying. I know I’ve been avoiding eye makeup since the election for that reason.

“You can’t look at that face and not feel deeply moved by all of this. Whether you Asked what he sees in his father’s works he said “things he dealt with as a police officer.”like her or you hate her. There’s beaten, and then there’s no-makeup beaten,”


I don’t understand the point Dana, of Patterico’s Pontifications, was trying to make. Especially when I include the most recent photo of Nancy Pelosi.


Nancy won her battle and I don’t see a noticeable difference between the two. Best I can come up with is one political ass whooping has the same effect as multiple sessions with the ugly stick.