You Heartless Bastard!

Not very graceful…but she stuck the landing!

I’m gonna get criticized for this, but I can explain! This incident has caused me to create a new category: “You Heartless Bastard!” In my view, my sympathies are entirely with the Bison. But I look at the entire picture. Once you pull back from the kid sailing through the air, there are a whole lot of villains in the piece and none of them are on four legs.

This incident took place in Yellowstone National Park. Ever been there? One is hard pressed to see the bison for all the signs warning people. The signs say, in effect: “Do Not Screw With The Bison.” One may choose to anthropomorphize wild life, but reading is an attribute that does not come to mind.

In addition to the signs, visitors are given guides to the attractions. Here is the park advisory regarding wildlife.

Never approach animals or block traffic to view them. The animals in Yellowstone are wild and unpredictable, no matter how calm they appear to be. Always stay at least 100 yards (91 m) away from bears and wolves, and at least 25 yards (23 m) away from all other animals, including bison and elk.

Yellowstone National Park Visitor Guide

So here we have it. I am assuming that the nine-year-old did not drive or hitchhike to the park. This would imply that a parent or other responsible adult brought her there, ignored the warnings and placed her in the position. On top of that the girl and her guardians were surrounded by other idiots. Watch the video, nobody on two legs had enough sense to heed the warnings.

So now the MSM comes along and makes a big deal about it. Without the video this never would have been regarded as a story. With video the MSM needs a story to justify the video. Let’s try another lead:

Parents Charged with Child Neglect for Disregarding Warning Signs

Nah, doesn’t sing. Makes it seem like people ought to take responsibility for their actions. It dilutes the whole victim theme.

There are plenty of people who find themselves in dire situations that are more deserving of compassion. Best I can do for this kid is: “Sorry your parents are such idiots.”

When I dog pisses on a bush, it isn’t a commentary on gardening. It’s just a dog being a dog.