Used to Be

Breitbart is reporting that a Danish town has made the availability of Pork and pork products mandatory at municipal institutions.  This is viewed, in part, as a way to encourage assimilation.

Think about this a moment. Up until this past year a wide variety of perversions previously viewed as “sins” are now acceptable behavior. To practice your religion at pre 2015 standards is now discriminatory.

The dietary restrictions of both Jews and Muslims made sense, at one time. The process for slaughter and food handling mandated by these religions were the first food safety regulations.  They have been eclipsed by modern standards.  There are branches of the Jewish faith that no longer “keep kosher”. I never met a prison Muslim that wouldn’t be face down in pork barbecue, given half a chance.

Whether you call it kosher or halal it is now purely and solely a religious accommodation and under contemporary thought, illegal. Businesses, government institutions, and schools should not be required to service these needs or desires.  If a private entity wants to meet the niche market more power to them. The ability to follow Kosher or Halal food restrictions is entirely on the individual.