Three Cops Dead in Baton Rouge, Main Perpetrator Get’s a Walk

Heather Mac Donald has written extensively on police issues and race. She has written a new book titled The War on Cops  She is not a fan of The One or the media.  Here is what she has to say about The One’s remarks about Baton Rouge

Here is a short video of Ms. Mac Donald discussing her book, The War on Cops

It’s to bad that Jim Garrison the former District Attorney for New Orleans isn’t around.  He would be right at home in the current atmosphere and is the only person crazy enough to seek an indictment against “The One” for Conspiracy to Murder Three Baton Rouge area law enforcement officers.

In recent years… forces have developed in our government over which we have no control, and these forces have an authoritarian approach to justice – meaning, they tell you what justice is.

I’ve sent better men than Obama to prison.