SWTSU is Sounding More Impressive Every Day (UPDATE)

Could this be the next President of Harvard?

That didn’t take long, Harvard tells Manning, never mind, rescinds invitation of fellowship. Harvard-withdraws-Bradley-Mannings-visiting-fellow-invitation-after-backlash.

If one were to go to Harvard Square on any given day, you could find some people there that share many of the same traits: mental illness, marginally educated, dishonorably discharged, and be convicted felons. They are called homeless, street people, and bums. The distance between Harvard Square and Harvard yard is measured in feet. For the down and out it may as well be a million miles.

One special snowflake has made the journey, from felon to fellow. Harvard students will have the privilege of paying $73,000 in tuition so that they can call Bradley Manning professor. Only one current staffer took issue with this appointment. Former-top-CIA-official-resigns-Harvard-post-over-hiring-of-Bradley (Chelsea)-Manning

Well, I guess somebody had to hire him. Ringling Brothers Circus has given its last performance, and there is a glut of unemployed circus freaks on the market. Harvard will be able to say they have the only man, posing as a woman, pretending to have something worth while to communicate while operating from a position of moral and ethical bankruptcy.

Can you see High Tea with the two great pretenders Bradley Manning and Elizabeth Warren (Princess Angry Beaver)?