Police Deaths are up in 2016 eight officers have been killed since New Year and at least one other may or may not survive. Pundits on the right are making much about the fact that you can’t shut liberals up when it comes to felons dying at the hands of police but they remain silent when a police officer is killed by a felon.
I was a cop for thirty years before I retired, more or less intact. Had I been killed in the line of duty, I certainly wouldn’t want a liberal using my death for his/her bully pulpit. It wouldn’t comfort my family any to have a smirking clown like “The One” trying to fake sympathy on my behalf.
I prefer the silence. With the silence the families of the dead can pretend that liberals are capable of shame and that they really do have a sense of right and wrong. Once they open their mouths that illusion is shattered.
Most cops didn’t go into the profession expecting accolades when they were alive, dead, they’re beyond caring. What comfort can the family of an honest cop get being consoled by Hillary, a woman who has committed an untold number of felonies and still walks free?