Fun with Numbers

Georgia-leads-nation-in-number-of-executions-as-Texas-slowsjust when you think that things are about to return to normal, we get word that Texas has come in second to Georgia when it comes to executing death row inmates.

Part of this is because Texas implemented a sentence of life means life as an alternative to execution. I guess I don’t have a problem with that just as long as the conveyance, in either case, is a pine box. But that is no reason for executions to drop off. Texas has a long backlog of death row cases that could be cleared.

I understand “executioner” may not be a desirable occupation, that it carries its own unique stresses but seven inmates for 2016 that’s less than one a month. Let’s put a pencil to it. Five days in a work week, times fifty work weeks, that’s carry the two 250 work days. There are nine recognized state holidays and at least five option holidays, hell we can be generous take ’em all that’s 236, sick throw in another ten 226. Schedule conflicts, do they rent out the death chamber for parties and stuff? Give it another ten, 216. There it is folks, Texas could easily handle 216 executions a year. There are 254 inmates awaiting execution, we could clear up the backlog in no time.

For all those liberal crybabies out there name one, just one Texas death row inmate that was executed after a judge said he’s not guilty let him go. None, zero, zip zilch, nada. So Texas’ record on executions is unblemished nobody adjudicated as innocent has been executed. There may have been a few that were executed who were later declared innocent. The fact remains that at the time they were executed, they were adjudicated guilty.