Nearly $50,000 worth of bull semen was stolen from a truck in California. Stolen Semen, most people’s response is that’s crazy, or how funny, or what are they gonna do with that?
The theft is not crazy or funny and to add insult to injury the thieves have probably have absolutely no use for bull semen, which means the shipment has probably been dumped and spoiled.
There are plenty of crooks out there, that as I write this at noon are just rolling out of bed. They know that before they go to bed again, they will commit a crime. They don’t know what crime, or where. They probably don’t know the victim. At the end of the day they will have made less from their crime than if they had pulled a shift at McDonald’s.
McDonald’s requires an eight hour commitment and you gotta do shit you don’t wanna do. Theft requires 10 minutes, 20 tops. Crooks are ever alert to possibilities, is that something I can steal? Can I transport it? What’s it worth? Worth is a relative term. To a car thief your brand new Cadillac is worth $250. Which is more that the crook had when he got up.
Keep in mind the old saw: Would you have sex with the person for $1,000? No. How about a million? Maybe. Now that we have established what you are, all that remains is the price. Price and value are all relative terms. Doubt me? How many people are out there willing to trade the uncertainty of hard work and sacrifice against the prospect of future prosperity for SSI benefits tomorrow?