Antonin Scalia, RIP

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia died at the age of 79 out near Marfa, Texas. He was nominated to the Court by Ronald Reagan in 1986 was known as the conservative voice of the court. 

If you are a liberal stop reading.  What follows are a collection of quotes from decisions and dissents made by Scalia during his time on the court.  He challenges the reader both in the application of the law and common sense. Sometimes he uses big words and concepts considered outdated.  It is so much easier to spew the garbage put out by the left than to actually read and decide for oneself.

Scalia Opinion Excerpts Thank you for doing the hard work.

The quote below is attributed to Justice Scalia, with no case citation.  Read and discuss, then read it again, walk around it, give it a kick and discuss it again. What does he mean?

Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached.

I’m not a lawyer. Don’t play one on TV. I’m just a broke down old narc who used to read Supreme Court decisions governing police practices first, out of necessity and then for pleasure.

A favorite tactic of the anti-death penalty crowd is to disregard the notion of guilt or innocence entirely and focus on the procedure used to obtain the verdict.  Their reasoning is that if the procedure was wrong, then so was the verdict. I read the quote as a reminder that such a course follows a two way street.

Thank you Justice Scalia for your service, rest your job is done.