Most folks are probably confused. How can public schools jump on the trans bandwagon, sponsor drag queen story time and stock library shelves with gay pornography. Part of the answer can be surmised by reading this story out of Cincinnati, Ohio. There are two takeaways here. One is obvious, public-school teachers are actively engaged in child sexual abuse. This is something the MSM would have its readers believe is an exclusive perversion enjoyed only by Catholic Priests.
The US Department of Education commissioned a study regarding the prevalence of child sexual abuse way back in 2004. Here is a Department Spokesperson discussing the findings.
For those not disposed to listen to government platitudes here is the report:
Shakeshaft was commissioned by the Department of Education to review the available literature on sexual misconduct with students by public school employees, and published her findings in 2004.[2]
Here are a couple of quotes from the report:
In 1994, Shakeshaft published a report based on a four-year study of 225 sexual abuse complaints—184 in New York State and 41 in other states—against teachers made to federal authorities from 1990 to 1993.[3][4] She found that “All of the accused admitted sexual abuse of a student, but none of the abusers was reported to the authorities, and only 1 percent lost their license to teach. Only 35 percent suffered negative consequences of any kind, and 39 percent chose to leave their school district, most with positive recommendations. Some were even given an early retirement package.”
Shakeshaft Report, 2004
The report indicated that nearly 10% of U.S. public school students, or 4.5 million students, had been the victims of sexual harassment, rape or sexual abuse.
Shakeshaft Report, 2004
In the introduction I promised two takeaways and only delivered one. Here goes with the second. The news article provided a description of the accused:
FBI: Ohio Teacher Caught in Hotel with Naked Child Was Senior Member of Pedophile Website
The article goes on to state that he made 262 posts the pedophile website since 2021. That in itself is disturbing. What is more disturbing is that either the FBI or the editor of the story characterized the pervert as a SENIOR MEMBER. Let’s go to the dictionary to put senior into the context of the story.
: a person older than another
: a person with higher standing or rank
: a senior fellow of a college at an English university
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
I guess it could be me. In my view, Senior would seem to be a term of respect. Since the pervert has been arrested and is likely to spend a long time behind bars, does he automatically assume Emeritus status?
a person retired from professional life but permitted to retain as an honorary title the rank of the last office held
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
At least thirty years ago I did an Internet search on the term NAMBLA. It is an organization that advocates sexual relations between men and boys without regard to age. I found hundreds of hits. I scrolled through at least fifty entries before I found one negative entry. The other forty-nine were supportive of the organization. This is one of the scary things about the internet. No matter how twisted an individual may be, there is somebody out there who will validate any kink as being normal.
I would like to think that characterizing this pervert as a “senior member” of a pedophile website is the view of an MSM editor. Against that is the fact that the MSM doesn’t have any original ideas, and the press conference was given by the FBI (Fucking Bunch of Idiots). The FBI has a proud history.