I always figured it was when the tittie dancers stopped calling me darling and started calling me sir.
Study: When Is Someone Too Old To Go To A Club?
There isn’t an age limit at nightclubs across the world, but how old is too old to go clubbing? According to a survey by Currys PC World, 37 years old is that magic number.
Currys carried out a survey of 5,000 adults and found that 37 percent of participants went as far as saying that it’s “tragic” seeing those out at clubs who are 40 or older. The study also found that 31 years old is the age that many begin to prefer staying in than going out. The desire to not be hungover the next day is the main driving force behind staying in.
They missed the other indicator. There isn’t a guy getting ready to go clubbing who isn’t sure that this will be the night that he drags some old gal home. Once the reality sets in that he has rarely been able to drag anything home and tonight isn’t going to be any different, night clubs lose their allure.