Spit or Swallow

Prison Shower

Senator-Uresti-wants-to-talk-with-family-after-he wants to consider his options

Here is a list of things the Senator won’t have to decide.

  1. What’s for?  breakfast, lunch, dinner?
  2. O
  3. ening doors
  4. Where to stand in an elevator (back corner facing in).
  5. Am I the husband or the wife?
  6. Social calendar
  7. Let’s see Versachi or jumpsuit?

There is one idiosyncrasy of the Federal prison system that I really appreciate. IN the Federal system, your placement in a Federal Correctional Facility is based (simple explanation) on how much time you have to do and where you live. They will try to keep you close to home, but they don’t have to.

The court has ninety days to sentence Euresti. Upon sentencing, the court can order Euresti to be taken into custody by the United States Marshal or he can continue bail and allow the defendant to “self report”. To me, this is the epitome of cruel and unusual punishment. The judge will explain that at some point in the near future the Federal Bureau of Prisons will notify the defendant that there is “room at the inn.” It will name the facility, what to bring, and the date to report. The defendant must pay all costs to get there.

If you thought trudging out to the mailbox to get the water bill, electric bill and latest Visa charges were a chore, imagine heading out each morning looking for that little gem. Each day that it doesn’t arrive; did it get lost? Is the SWAT team on the way. Should I board the family dog for a few days?

Once the defendant receives the reporting date, more questions. If I drive do they validate parking? Can I fly? Will a one-way ticket, no luggage and a toothbrush in a cheap suit set off any TSA warning bells. Will the Bureau of Prisons accept a TSA body cavity search in lieu of their own?

It will all work out in the showers.