The FBI announced the arrest of a Lone Wolf in Milwaukee man who plotted the attack on a Masonic Lodge. The idiot needed to be taken off the board. But experience tells me the FBI used a 1000 man hours to accomplish the task. My suspicion is that the vast majority of that time could have been better spent elsewhere.
I started to write a serious post about this arrest but visions of a swarm of clown car IED’s converging on the Masonic Lodge protected by Shriner clown cars kept intruding.
This could have been an epic battle with Shriner clown cars being joined by the Shriner mini bike brigade all wheeling in formation. What follows is a second battle reminiscent of Kursk, fought on a small stage.
I know that is not realistic. Three does not make a swarm. This guy couldn’t figure out how to buy a plane ticket to the middle east. When the FBI jumped on his three man terrorist cell, he was the only one without a badge. What a lonely feeling that must be.
The reality is that while the JTTF guys are targeting this guy, chances are there are three other guys they could have been looking at. Even worse the tip leading to the next Mohammad Atta could be sitting in an inbox getting stale.
I follow all of these “lone wolf” cases that come my way and believe that these idiots have earned a prison sentence, along with a daily ass whooping by inmates. These guys certainly represent a potential for harm and need to be dealt with, but in the scheme of things they are a sideshow.
Note to FBI. When you start scanning the Craig’s List want ads for terrorist jobs, STOP, reflect and ask yourself is this something Bulldog Drummond would do?