Nomination for a Hero Badge


You ain’t gonna believe this shit! But I looked at her eyes, The model is consistently blue eyed and the officer appears to have brown eyes. I think the photos are two different women.Criminals-can%E2%80%99t-wait-to-be arrested.

There’s an old joke about the female officer who is questioning the drunk’s understanding of his Miranda Rights. She asked, “Do you understand that anything you say will be held against you?

His reply, “Boobs.”

I guess he got it.

There is a double standard in police work. Female officers are not expected to be virgins. They can actually be rather successful sluts as long as they do not appear to be, in manner and dress. A police woman who appears posing  on the Internet or  in a magazine has always been  a losing proposition. Police policy almost always contains a clause referred to as CUBO. Once it rears it’s ugly head, the end is near. It is also known as Conduct Unbecoming an Officer. It covers everything from smoking to murder and everything in between and is considered a firing offense.

A lot of her fellow officers are gonna wish she kept her mouth shut because now they are going to face the Inquisition when they go home to the little lady. Both the Chief and the Union will catch hell from the same source, the Police Officers Wives Association. Then the peanut gallery, the blue noses in the community will put their two cents in. Because cops can screw up a box full of rocks with a rubber mallet, you can rest assured that least two officers will do something incredibly stupid in response to the story.

Ms. Sepulveda may have been a talented police officer or not. I lean towards medium to mediocre because of the choice she has made. Her time on the force is coming to a close, not for something she did, necessarily but because she made the powers that be work harder than they would like. That is an unforgivable sin and she must pay.