Everybody Knows…

You’ve heard it all before. It started in childhood. They said it about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. As a kid you were just supposed to accept the word of others because, “Everybody knows.” Eventually you discovered that when it comes to those three, what everybody knows was bullshit. Chances are you perpetuated the myth for the next gullible generation. That’s okay. At some point, one must take a stand, do their own research and holler bullshit.

Everybody knows that decriminalizing marijuana will reduce criminal activity and add additional tax revenue. But illegal marijuana grows are becoming more of a problem with a higher potential for violence.


But, but, taxes


Despite contributing the highest tax, things are not all rosy for the California marijuana industry. Several players in the space warned that the sector was facing collapse if the state didn’t institute quick interventions. In a letter to the state governor, the 29 business executives pointed out several issues they thought ailed the industry. They said ineffective legislation, implementation, and oversight over the marijuana sector were driving them out of business. The executives chided the California cannabis system for being a nationwide mockery. They added that the absence of meaningful change would force them to choose between paying high taxes into a failure-prone system or their employees.

Okay, maybe what everybody knows about legal marijuana is wrong. But, everybody knows about electric vehicles. They got that right, didn’t they?


The study found that:

Commercial charging rates are two to four times higher than residential rates.

Level 1 chargers cost an average of $600 to install and can take 20 hours to fully charge an EV.

Level 2 chargers are much faster but cost $1,600.

“Full charge” is a misleading term because charging past 90% is slow, difficult and unadvised, which means you get far fewer miles than the advertised ranges would have you believe. Gas vehicles, on the other hand, are good for 300-400 miles per tank.

Considering all of those factors, and presuming a greater reliance on commercial charging, it would cost $8.58 to fuel a mid-priced gas car that gets 33 mpg for 100 miles at $2.81 a gallon. Comparatively, a mid-priced EV — Tesla Model 3, Nissan Leaf or Chevy Bolt — would cost $12.95 per 100 miles.

Annually, presuming 12,000 miles driven, it would cost $1,030 to drive a gas car versus $1,554 for an EV.

Anderson Economic Group, October 21, 2021

Okay, maybe electric cars aren’t as cheap to run as more traditional vehicles. BUT, everybody knows that the Federal Government and President Poopy Pants are the solution to the ongoing Chinese flu crisis.

“There is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level,” Biden

President Poopy Pants commenting on solving the Chinese Flu crisis