Compare and Contrast, Martha’s Vineyard Edition

NBC’s Chuck Todd asserted Thursday that it was “inhumane” to send illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard because, in his view, the location “doesn’t have any infrastructure.” 

Chuck Todd: ‘Inhumane’ to send migrants to Martha’s Vineyard because it ‘doesn’t have any infrastructure’ | Fox News

Senator Angry Beaver claimed that dropping wetbacks off in Martha’s Vineyard was cruel.

Let’s go to the wetbacks and see how they feel. The guy from Brooks County had no comment.

Dead wetback, Brooks County, Texas
Live wetback Martha’s Vineyard

Why is it unvetted wetbacks in Brooks County, Texas is good. But wetbacks who have been interviewed, identified, processed into the immigration system and released in Martha’s Vineyard is bad? I think Gov. DeSantis miscalculated. If he had issued every wetback on the flight a rake or lawn mower the denizens of Martha’s Vineyard would never have noticed them. Remember, nobody is more racist than a liberal.

Going back to old Chuckie Todd’s statement I thought a compare and contrast exercise is appropriate.

Brooks County, Texas is a poor rural county in south Texas. It isn’t even on the border. There is one major highway, US 281 and one major hurdle for wet backs to overcome. It is called the Falfurrias Checkpoint. All traffic headed north is subject to search by the Border Patrol. No search warrant, no probable cause just because.

For this reason, coyotes (human smugglers) shepherd illegals through the scrub brush. The object being to avoid the checkpoint. This is such a long-standing practice that some ranchers build ladders to cross fence lines. Wetbacks can use these ladders. Cattle haven’t figured it out.

Many wetbacks don’t complete the journey. Some estimates place the number of dead wetbacks at over 2ooo, over the years. For those that are found, the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for investigating the circumstances and burying the result.

The county has been described as “the biggest cemetery in America”, the cost of dealing with migrant corpses has bankrupted the county, which has unsuccessfully sought federal help. The sheriff’s department has been cut from 12 to 2 deputies, working 48-hour weeks with no health insurance and aging cars. The only public library in Brooks County, the Ed Rachal Memorial Library, is, in 2021, open one day a week.[12]


Brooks County Texas makes up 944 square miles. The SO has two deputies to cover the county 24/7. The Sheriff’s office used to have twelve deputies, but they got laid off so the county could pay to bury wetbacks. Martha’s Vineyard, on the other hand is an island. Access is limited to ferry, aircraft and pleasure boats. It encompasses an area of 97 square miles. There are 109 police officers from multiple agencies that patrol the island, or at least parts.

Now, I don’t have a lot of respect for anybody who continues to live in Massachusetts. But two Texas deputies against 109 Massachusetts cops would seem to argue that Martha’s Vineyard has the edge on law enforcement infrastructure. Throw in the Brooks County Sheriff, to make it three Texas cops and the Massholes still win by a slim margin.

Okay, but cops ain’t all. Here are some statistics that show the financial might that each community can bring to bear.

Brooks County, Texas

Infrastructure is determined, in part, by the financial wherewithal of a community. Here is a breakdown of the per capita income, tax revenue and home values. Don’t forget when getting out your calculators to deduct the costs off the top, of autopsying, then burying 900 plus dead wetbacks. The Feds refuse to pay anything to defray the cost of their failure to control the border.

$15,817Per capita income

$25,058 ±$4,795Median household income

Over $200K: 0%

  • State: 8%
  • Nation: 8%

Household income

73%Under $50K17%$50K – $100K9%$100K – $200K 0%Over $200K

$64,200 ±$12,214Median value of owner-occupied housing units

Over $1M: 0%

  • State: 1%
  • Nation: 2%

Value of owner-occupied housing units

81%Under $100K
15%$100K – $200K
3%$200K – $300K
1%$300K – $400K0%$400K –
$500K0%$500K –
$1M0%Over $1M

Brooks County, TX – Profile data – Census Reporter

The median property tax in Brooks County, Texas is $469 per year for a home worth the median value of $46,800. Brooks County collects, on average, 1% of a property’s assessed fair market value as property tax.

The average yearly property tax paid by Brooks County residents amounts to about 1.77% of their yearly income.
Brooks County Texas Property Taxes – 2022 (

Martha’s Vineyard

Average Household Income$132,657-1.7%
Median Household Income$82,857-4.9%
People below Poverty Level864-2.6%
People above Poverty Level10,795-0.2%

Martha’s Vineyard median house price climbs – The Martha’s Vineyard Times (
The State House News Service (SHNS) is reporting that Martha’s Vineyard’s median sale price jumped to $1.325 million in April — a 33 percent increase from the $1 million median reported last April, and $125,000 more than the often-quoted median price during the Coalition to Create the M.V. Housing Bank’s campaign.

Dukes County, Massachusetts Property Tax
[Go To Different County]

Dukes Personal Property Tax Rate


Avg. 0.42% of home value

Yearly median tax in Dukes County

The median property tax in Dukes County, Massachusetts is $2,850 per year for a home worth the median value of $681,300. Dukes County collects, on average, 0.42% of a property’s assessed fair market value as property tax.

Dukes County has one of the highest median property taxes in the United States and is ranked 187th of the 3143 counties in order of median property taxes.
Dukes County Massachusetts Property Taxes – 2022 (

Another consideration is that people drive through Brooks County. Between June and Labor Day people flock to Martha’s Vineyard. Martha’s Vineyard is a vacation hot spot. During the summer season the population grows from 17,000 to off season to over 200,000 during the season. Sleeping on the beach is not an option.

This means that, after Labor Day, there is an excess of vacant properties available for the wetbacks that Gov. DeSantis shipped north. Here is an example of one such property that is largely vacant.

It should be clear that Martha’s Vineyard is better equipped to handle a handful of live wetbacks than Brooks County. As it turns out the citizens of Martha’s Vineyard didn’t have to deal with them. The Massachusetts National guard surrounded the wetbacks, out numbering them two to one and shipped their asses off a military base.

That makes my second point… if you want to see a bigot, find a liberal.