Another View on Pardons and Clemency

2016/12/19/Obama-grants-clemency-to-another-231-peopleThese stories peak my interest because before I retired, the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division ranked sixth in the nation for cocaine base prosecutions. Pretty good when you consider about 90% of those prosecutions were filed by just three officers, 1 SAPD patrol officer, 1 DEA agent and 1 slightly down at the heels state and local task force agent. At any rate Texas has been under represented in pardons and clemency grants. None of our crack (base) crooks ever made the list. Guess we got the baddest of the bad. 

There is an alternative explanation. I don’t think that it slanders “The One” for one moment. I don’t think it is possible to slander that reprehensible piece of garbage.  The explanation is much simpler and in keeping with his personality. The Pardons and Clemency grants have nothing to do with the individuals incarcerated and everything to do the sponsors backing the inmates. Unless “The One” develops a sudden desire to pimp out the old lady and his ungrateful daughters, these inmates are of no use to him. Their backers on the other hand….. The fact that Texas is under represented is admission that he is not going to waste political capital on a lost cause.